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Attributing success to external influences, such as fate, luck or coincidence indicates the formation of external locus of control. Not recognising the link between effort and the effects of work may contribute to lower achievement motivation and, consequently, may lead to less involvement and poorer educational results. In this study a question was posed whether this correlation really exists and whether girls with a different level of locus of control (LOC) differ in terms of achievement motivation. The study, carried out on a sample of 172 girls (16 to 20 years of age), used a Delta questionnaire by Drwal to investigate the locus of control and the LMI Inventory to examine achievement motivation. The results of this study confirmed that there is a relationship between achievement motivation and the locus of control. In addition, the analysis included age variable. On this basis it was concluded that age can modify achievement motivation in terms of self-confidence, flexibility, status orientation and pride in productivity.
According to research, organizational defensive routines (ODRs) have strong and intertwined individual and organizational components. However, the literature has yet to systematically isolate and analyse ODR-triggering factors at both levels. In this paper, we shall first refer to organizational routine theory to expound the characteristics of ODRs. Next, it identifies their individual and organization-level triggers. At the individual level factors generating ODRs are general self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism, while those operating at the organizational level are organizational politics, red tape, and organizational structure. Finally, the chapter explores potential damage ODRs could cause to individuals and organizations related to individuals’ job satisfaction, work engagement, organizational ambidexterity, and organizational learning. The theoretical model presented in this paper forms a foundation for a future empirical study and theoretically extends the nomological network of ODRs.
The article is the review of chosen researches and theories that relates to individual differences in susceptibility of learned helplessness (LH). In the first part of the article the specificity of the learned helplessness syndrome is outlined. Next the theories that are relevant when individual differences in susceptibility of LH are concerned, are presented. Then the researches related to the role of three individual differences: attributional style, Locus of Control and sex, in susceptibility of LH are presented and discussed. In the last part of the article there are some conclusions from the presented researches. Also some conclusions about the possible directions of the future researches to help to separate the reactions to single failure from the reactions to helplessness training.
The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between locus of control and achievement in second language learning, when using reading and listening as the measure of success of the learners. The study was conducted on a pilot group of 102 university students, enrolled in a master’s degree course at a university in Poland. The students were asked to complete the Drwal 29-question test of locus of control and a number of reading and listening tests to complete over an extended period of time in order to gain a reliable overview of their levels of achievement. The results, somewhat against the run of expectation, indicated that there was no apparent correlation-either positive or negative-between the orientation of locus of control of the participants and achievement. This goes against the conventional assumption that there should be some form of negative correlation, as previous research indicates that sucessful learners in an academic environment are more likely than not to have an inwardly orientated locus of control.
Introduction: Locus of control is a personality variable which influences expectancies that people have in relation to everyday outcomes. The orientation on the Locus of control can be internal or external. People with internal orientation on locus of control attribute outcomes to their own control whereas those with external orientation tend to blame others for what happens to them. Internal orientation on locus of control has been found to correlate with attainment and general student satisfaction. Locus of control has been explored in health care related disciplines as well as in relation to learning characteristics, education in general and academic performance in particular. Purpose: To explore potential relationship between learning styles and Locus of control. To examine possible differences, in the learning styles and Locus of control orientation between Medical, Nursing and Physiotherapy undergraduate students. Materials and methods: A cross – sectional survey of undergraduate medical, physiotherapy and nursing students was conducted, at an English London university. The Learning Styles Inventory and Locus of Control Internal External Scale were administered to a purposive sample of students in their first year of study (n = 379). Results: The BSc Nursing students had the highest Locus of Control score (mean = 12.43, SD 4.164) and medical students the lowest (mean = 10.32, SD 4.034). Students who were carers had a lower mean Locus of Control score of 10.65, SD 3.713 as compared with students who were not carers, Locus of Control = 12.39, SD 4.108. Linear regressions showed statistical significance of different Kolb’s learning styles on the Locus of Control. KOLB-Abstract Conceptualisation (AC) had a statistically significant impact on Locus of Control (p=0.022). The dominant learning style of the nursing students in this study was assimilating (35%) and accommodating (26%). Conclusions: The findings from this study demonstrate that perhaps learning styles are not necessarily profession specific and that maybe the nursing students in this sample used more balancing styles which were influenced by the teaching methods and their curriculum. The implications for future research and educators are also discussed.
The situation of the change of education stage is an important moment in life of school children. Finishing elementary school education and transition into the first grade of junior high school is parallel to developmental psychophysiological changes which occur in the early adolescence. The need of acceptance of these changes and the necessity of adaptation to new environment and school demands, may be interpreted by students as a developmental chance or a risk. The article presents the results of research conducted on 560 students from first grades of junior high schools in the school year 2016/2017. The analysis pertained to estimate connections between personality traits in Big Five Model measured with Obrazkowy Pomiar Cech Osobowości Dzieci OPCO-D (Maćkiewicz, Cieciuch, 2012), and locus of control in the situations of successes and failures measured with Kwestionariusz do Badania Poczucia Kontroli KBPK (Krasowicz, Kurzyp-Wojarska, 1990). Boys are more extravert, eager to engage and experience more positive emotions in social interactions than girls. Girls, in turn, scored higher in features linked with anxiety than boys. In terms of locus of control, results indicate it is not formed yet, both in the situations of successes and failures. There is no difference between boys and girls in the way how they explain causes of events which they experience. The strongest correlations between personality traits and locus of control were reported in links between locus of control and consciousness, openness to experience and agreeableness. Moreover, the results revealed interaction effect between gender and openness to experience, only in the situations of successes.
The study contains a description and results of a complementary procedure for validation and normalization of the I-E at work scale of Xymena Gliszczyńska, carried out on the sample N = 1,075 in the years 2014–2018. The beginning of the article covers the genesis and psychometric characteristics of the tool developed in the 1980s. The next part contains the results of current and supplementary psychometric tests confiming the current and correct conception of the tool’s character. The fial part of the publication presents the results of analyses of the feasibility and validity of working out the current system of standards together with an indication of the signifiance of differences between average results. The revised tool has satisfactory psychometric parameters.
Opracowanie zawiera opis i wyniki uzupełniającej procedury walidacji i normalizacji skali „I-E w pracy” Xymeny Gliszczyńskiej zrealizowanej na próbie N=1075 w latach 2014-2018. Początek artykułu obejmuje genezę i charakterystykę psychometryczną narzędzia wypracowanego w latach 80. XX w. Kolejna część zawiera wyniki aktualnych i uzupełniających badań psychometrycznych potwierdzających aktualny i poprawny koncepcyjnie charakter narzędzia.  W końcowej części publikacji przedstawiono rezultaty analiz możliwości i zasadności wypracowania aktualnego układu norm wraz ze wskazaniem istotności różnic pomiędzy średnimi wynikami. Zrewidowane narzędzie posiada zadowalające parametry psychometryczne.
Lawrence M. Mead presented an interesting argument as to why poverty exists in the United States. He problematizes the culture of the poor of which ethnic minorities over-represent. By referring to the geographic regions from which these ethnic minorities came from, he globalised the question of poverty in the US. This invites a global policy debate rather than a US-centric policy debate. Indeed, Mead so freely made references to Africa and the African culture severally throughout his commentary. It is against this backdrop that I show that Mead was right to a large extent on the question of inner-driven individualised orientation. However, he overestimates its influence and misreads what culture is. He presented the culture of poverty as the antecedent of poverty. It was concluded that manipulating both internal drive (internal locus of control) and the structure of society is a more effective way to tackle poverty.
The presented paper offers a short general introduction to frustration followed by a discourse on frustration as an integral part of gaming experience with the core distinction between positive in-game frustration and negative at-game frustration. The potential of frustration to increase motivation to play, emotional engagement and immersion is outlined. The paper includes comprehensive research using the means of a questionnaire (n=159) and content analysis (n=327) identifying types of frustrating situations in games, perceived sources of frustration, the behavioural impact of frustration and the relationship between locus of control and ascribed source of frustration. Results showed toxic behaviour as a leading cause of frustration. The most common declared behavioural output of frustration caused by the toxic behaviour of other players was quitting a game for a certain amount of time. Frustration showed the most motivational potential within the category of frustrating situations related to gamers e.g. being stuck in a part of the game, losing, not succeeding, etc. At-game frustration concerns mainly the category called the “game itself”. Most often the game was blamed for insufficiencies in game mechanics or game design, malfunctioning and technical issues within the game. The presented research did not show a statistically significant association between the source of frustration and a participant’s locus of control. The paper has potential in terms of game design and research of emotion, motivation or immersion.
Purpose. The objective of the present study to analyse the styles of coping with stress and the locus of control (LOC) in specific sporting situations of female football players and seeking relationships between the analysed variables. Methods. The study included 50 female football players aged 16-18 years. Two psychological instruments were administered: the Polish language Questionnaire for Examining Locus of Control in Sports Activity (PKSPwS) and the Polish version of the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS). Results. The mean level of the investigated LOC dimensions as well as the styles of coping with stress showed that behaviour associated with avoidance and emotions predominated over task-oriented style. However, taskoriented style was positively related to the locus of control in specific situations that occur in sport. Conclusions. The results of the study suggest that social support and educational initiatives adapted to female athletes are required. These include mental training and the psycho-pedagogical intervention of coaches, where emphasis should be placed on enhancing internal locus of control as well as the development and improvement of effective stress-coping styles.
Introduction. The locus of control and the sense of competence are the psychological resources relevant to the taking-up and continuation of actions in certain situations. They are important regulating factors of the relationships between the man and the environment. It seems that, in such a specific field as martial arts are, these characteristics are useful and their identification and targeted strengthening desirable. The aim of the research presented in this paper was to gather knowledge about the sense of competence and self-control of young people practicing martial arts, as well as the relationship between these variables. Materials and methods. A total of 39 people aged 14-19 years participated in this research. All of them practiced martial arts. They had an average of more than two years training. Data were collected through the (KBPK) Locus of control Questionnaire (by G. and A. Krasowicz Kurzyp-Wojnarski) and the Personal Competence Scale KompOs (by Z. Juczyñski), and a questionnaire designed specifically for this research. Results. Statistical analyses conducted for the study have showed that the respondents represent a transient sense of locus of control, and average levels of personal competence in the field of strength and perseverance. Out of the measured variables, the locus of control in the event of success and a sense of strength were relatively highest. These variables also proved to be interdependent. Analysis also allowed for identification of many other relationships between the variables. Conclusions. Our findings may provide a clue for a possible modification of programs mentally preparing young athletes for martial arts sports. They may also act as suggestions sensitise trainers to specific psychosocial needs of young athletes.
An investigation into Estonia's educators' representations of organisational culture, based on the typologies of R. Harrison and C. Handy, and into the educators' cognitive orientation on the basis of J. Rotter's internality/externality scale was carried out. The aim was to determine, whether the organisational culture in Estonia's schools supports the sustainable development of teachers. The study revealed that amongst Estonia's teachers the individuality-oriented individualistic culture dominated, and that almost half of the teachers had an external locus of control. The conclusion was drawn that the culture of learning organisation was not characteristic of Estonia's schools, while that type of culture would best support the professional and sustainable development of teachers.
Objectives. The goal of this exploratory study was to examine whether locus of control significantly moderates the relationship between poverty and self-esteem. Participants and setting. The research sample consisted of 499 people (249 men) living in Slovakia. The sample selection was based on a representative quota for gender, age group and region. Hypotheses. It was hypothesized that poor people with low internal locus of control may view their economic situation as a result of their incompetence, cognitive skills, personality or other characteristics. This can devaluate their selfesteem more than in people with high internal locus of control. In a situation of high chance or high external locus of control, poor people may see their economic situation as a result of factors which are beyond their control. They may see themselves as unable to change their economic situation which can therefore devaluate their self-esteem more than in people with low external locus of control or chance. Statistical analysis. The hypotheses were examined using moderated multiple linear regressions. Results. In the present data, locus of control was not a significant moderator. The effect sizes in the relationship between poverty and self-esteem were small. Study limitations. The limitations of the present study are the lower reliability of the internality dimension of the Multidimensional Locus of Control Scale as well as the absence of meaningful covariates, e.g. duration or previous experiences of poverty or parental warmth.
Cieľ. Cieľom tejto exploračnej štúdie bolo zistiť, či miesto kontroly moderuje vzťah medzi chudobou a sebahodnotením. Metóda. Vzorku tvorilo 499 ľudí (249 mužov) žijúcich na Slovensku. Výber vzorky bol reprezentatívny vzhľadom k rodu, veku a kraju. Hypotézy. Chudobné osoby s nízkou úrovňou vnútorného miesta kontroly by mali za príčinu svojej ekonomickej situácie považovať nedostatok vlastných zručností, kognitívnych schopností, špecifickú skladbu osobnostných alebo iných vlastností. To by malo následne pôsobiť devalvačne vo väčšej miere na ich sebahodnotenie ako u ľudí s vyššou úrovňou vnútorného miesta kontroly. V situácii s vysokou úrovňou vonkajšieho miesta kontroly alebo náhody by chudobné osoby mali za príčinu svojej ekonomickej situácie považovať faktory, ktoré sú mimo ich kontroly, a preto by to malo pôsobiť devalvačne vo väčšej miere na ich sebahodnotenie ako u ľudí s nižšou úrovňou vnútorného miesta kontroly. Štatistická analýza. K overeniu hypotéz boli počítané moderované viacnásobné lineárne regresné analýzy. Výsledky. Miesto kontroly nevystupovalo v analyzovaných údajoch ako signifikantný moderátor vzťahu medzi chudobou a sebahodnotením. Veľkosti účinkov pre vzťah medzi chudobou a sebahodnotením boli malé. Obmedzenia výskumu. Obmedzením sú nižšie hodnoty reliability škály vnútorného miesta kontroly dotazníka Multidimensional Locus of Control Scale ako aj absencia ďalších zmysluplných kovariátov, napríklad trvania chudoby, predošlých epizód chudoby alebo vrelosti rodičov.
Teoria poczucia kontroli należy do szerszego kręgu kategorii teoretycznych – uczenia się społecznego. Jej twórca, Rotter, zakłada, że niektóre osoby są przekonane, że to one są kowalami własnego losu, natomiast inne przypisują swoje życie czynnikom zewnętrznym. Artykuł zawiera krótką prezentację teorii poczucia kontroli, która stała się inspiracją do badania zależności pomiędzy sposobem korzystaniem z internetu a wewnątrzsterownością lub zewnątrzsterownością adolescentów. Podczas diagnozy skorzystano z Kwestionariusza do Badania Poczucia Kontroli – wersja zrewidowana Grażyny Krasowicz-Kupis i Anny Wojnarskiej przeznaczonego dla diagnozowania nastolatków oraz Testu Uzależnienia od Internetu autorstwa Kimberly Young. Badanie jest próbą weryfikacji założenia zawartego w teorii cech, która sugeruje, że osoby z zewnętrznym umiejscowieniem kontroli przejawiają tendencje do uzależnienia od internetu.
The theory of the locus of personal control belongs to a wider range of theoretical categories – social learning. Its creator Julian Rotter assumes that some people are convinced that “life is what you make it”, while others attribute their lives to external factors. The article contains a brief presentation of the theory of the locus of control, which became an inspiration to study the rela-tionship between the use of the Internet and the internality or externality of adolescents. During the diagnosis, the Locus Of Control Questionnaire was used – the revised version by Grażyna Kra-sowicz-Kupis and Anna Wojnarska for diagnosing adolescents and the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) by Kimberly Young. The study attempts to verify the assumption contained in the trait theory, which assumes that people with an external location of control tend to be addicted to the Internet.
Content available remote Self-confidence and Earning Inequalities: A Test on Hungarian Data
It is easy to see that highly fatalistic, inefficient persons believe that their actions have little outcome. Because greater fatalism lowers an employee’s effort level, it may result in lower wages, while the anti-fatalistic attitude translates into more effective work that in turn may be rewarded with a higher salary. In this article the author tests a self-confidence scale that is similar to the most widely used Rotter locus of control scale. People with high self-confidence have determination, feel they have an influence on their future, and are optimistic. In the analysis the author investigates the predictive power of self-confidence in wage equations using Hungarian data.
Coping with stress and the sense of control over the work done are vital issues in the specific profession of a lecturer of a military university. The quality of educational activity might be significantly lowered when dealing with various problems and coping with the accompanying stress as a result of adopting incorrect solutions, which additionally causes the loss or significant decrease in the sense of control over the situation. Thus, it is worth taking a closer look at the problem through an in-depth analysis of its particular dimensions, especially in terms of observed dependencies against the background of the socio-occupational conditions. The empirical research carried out among lecturers of a military university will allow to diagnose the situation and to formulate relevant conclusions. The results of analyses have been presented on the basis of research results obtained at the War Studies University in Warsaw with the use of standardised measurement tools as well as the elements of descriptive and correlation statistics.
Radzenie sobie ze stresem oraz poczucie kontroli nad wykonywaną pracą stanowią niezwykle istotne kwestie w specyficznym zawodzie nauczyciela akademickiego uczelni wojskowej. Jakość działalności edukacyjnej podczas rozwiązywania różnego rodzaju problemów i pojawiającego się wówczas stresu może zostać znacznie obniżona z uwagi na przyjmowanie niewłaściwych rozwiązań skutkując ponadto utratą lub wyraźnym zmniejszeniem poczucia kontroli nad sytuacją. Warto zatem przyjrzeć się bliżej niniejszej problematyce poprzez dogłębną analizę jej poszczególnych wymiarów, zwłaszcza pod względem występujących tam zależności na tle uwarunkowań społeczno-zawodowych. Przeprowadzone w tym celu badania empiryczne wśród wykładowców uczelni wojskowej pozwolą zdiagnozować sytuację w tym zakresie oraz sformułować stosowne wnioski. Rezultaty podjętych analiz przedstawione zostały na podstawie wyników badań zrealizowanych w Akademii Sztuki Wojennej w Warszawie z zastosowaniem wystandaryzowanych narzędzi pomiarowych oraz elementów statystyki opisowej i korelacyjnej.
The paper presents results of research on priority values in teaching process, the psycho-emotional state, self-evaluation, style of teaching and the level of subjective control of contemporary Russian and Latvian schoolteachers. According to Rezapkina (Резапкина, 1999), these five categories form the psychological portrait of a teacher. The authors analyse and compare the numerical representations of these characteristics, their variations and correlations for the three groups of teachers of both countries, which differ by length of service. An attempt was made to identify some negative trends in professional identity of schoolteachers, which are common to the professional communities of Latvia and Russia.
The purpose of the study was to find personality and family predictors of aggressive coping strategies in adolescent youth in situations of social conflict. The Questionnaire for Analysis of Coping Strategies in Adolescents in Situations of Social Conflict (Kwestionariusz do badania strategii radzenia sobie młodzieży w sytuacji konfliktu społecznego, KSMK; designed by D. Borecka-Biernat), the Questionnaire for Analysis of the Sense of Control (Kwestionariusz do Badania Poczucia Kontroli, KBPK; designed by G. Krasowicz and A. Kurzyp-Wojnarska, the Stress Assessment Questionnaire (Kwestionariusz Oceny Stresu, KOS; designed by D. Włodarczyk and K. Wrześniewski), as well as M.Plopa’s Parental Attitude Scale (Skala Postaw Rodzicielskich, SPR) were used in the study. The empirical research was conducted in secondary schools on a sample of 893 adolescents (including 468 girls and 425 boys) in the age range of 13 to 15. In the light of the conducted studies it was determined that a strong conviction of the influence of other people on positive or negative outcomes of events , as well as the assessment of a situation of conflict as threat coincides with aggressive coping strategies in youth in situations of social conflict. The analysis of the results has revealed that the tendency to react aggressively to emotional tension generated in social conflict is shaped by an inappropriate parental attitude, characterized by an emotional distance of a parent to their adolescent child.
Artykuł skupia się na wybranych aspektach osobowości młodzieży grającej i niegrającej w narracyjne gry fabularne. Założono, że młodzież grająca będzie miała silniejsze wewnętrzne poczucie kontroli oraz niższy poziom neurotyzmu niż młodzież niegrająca. W badaniu kwestionariuszowym przeprowadzonym na N = 194 osobach (z czego gracze to n = 101 osób) uzyskano wyniki zgodne z zakładanymi hipotezami. Wybrana metoda nie pozwala na stwierdzenie kierunku zależności, jednak rezultaty stoją w opozycji do negatywnego stereotypu graczy oraz mogą być punktem wyjścia do dalszych analiz.
The article focuses on selected personality aspects of teenagers taking part in narrative role playing games as compared to non-players. It was assumed that players have a more internal locus of control and lower level of neuroticism in comparison with non-players. As a result of the questionnaire study, conducted on N= 194 people (n = 101 of which were players), the hypotheses were confirmed. The selected method does not allow the direction of relations to be indicated, but still the outcome stands in contrast to the negative stereotype of players, and may be a starting point for further research.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the contribution of self-esteem and locus of control in generating in the youth an aggressive coping strategy in a social conflict situation. The study made use of a proprietary questionnaire to study the coping strategy of youth in a social conflict situation (KSMK), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES), and the questionnaire to Study the Locus of Control (KBPK) created by G. Krasowicz and A. Kurzyp-Wojnarska. Empirical studies were carried out in junior high schools [Polish: gimnazjum] in Wroclaw and the surrounding area. They involved 811 adolescents (414 girls and 397 boys) aged 13 – 15. In the light of the performed studies it was stated that low general selfesteem in youth and strong belief in the influence of others on positive or negative effects of events play a particular role in the choice of aggressive strategy of young people to cope in a social confl ictsituation.
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